The storage command

The storage command launches a server that can convert files into CAR files. It has two customizable parameters:

ParameterDescriptionDefault value
--listen-addr <ADDR>The address (including the port) for the storage server127.0.0.1:9000
--storage-dir <DIR>The directory where the files will be stored$PWD/uploads

Start the Storage Server

Next, start the storage server using the created volume:

polka-storage-provider storage --listen-addr
  • --listen-addr Configures the server to listen on all available network interfaces.

Upload a file

To upload a file to the provider's server, use the following curl command.

curl \
    -X POST \
    --data-binary "@image.jpg" \

This command uploads the file image.jpg to the server running at http://localhost:9000/upload. The server converts the uploaded content to a CAR file and saves it to the mounted volume. The returned CID can later be used to fetch a CAR file from the server.

Download the CAR File

After uploading, a CID (Content Identifier) for the file will be produced. Use this CID to download the corresponding CAR file. Replace :cid with the actual CID provided:

curl \
    -X GET \
    --output ./ \
  • -X GET: Specifies the GET request method.
  • http://localhost:9000/download/:cid: The URL to download the CAR file, with <cid> being the placeholder for the actual CID.
  • --output ./ Saves the downloaded CAR file as in the current directory.

Here's a quick example:

curl \
    -X GET \
    --output ./ \