The storage-provider command

Under the storage-provider subcommand Storage Provider related extrinsics are available. This chapter covers the provided commands and how to use them.

The storagext-cli getting started page covers the basic flags necessary to operate the CLI and should be read first.


The register command registers as a storage provider. Before a user can start providing storage, they need to register to be able to deal with the clients and perform any storage provider duties.


PEER_IDThe peer ID under which the registered provider will be trackedString
POST_PROOFThe proof type that the provider will use to prove storage (Default: 2KiB)String


Registering the provider with the specific peer_id

storagext-cli --sr25519-key <key> storage-provider register <peer_id>

More information about the register extrinsic is available in Pallets/Storage Provider/Register.


The pre-commit command pre-commits a sector with deals that have been published by market publish-storage-deals. The pre-committed sector has to be proven or the deals will not activate and will be slashed.


PRE_COMMIT_SECTORThe sector we are committing toJSON object. Can be passed as a string, or as a file path prefixed with @ pointing to the file containing the JSON object.

The PRE_COMMIT_SECTOR JSON object has the following structure:

sector_numberSector number
sealed_cidByte encoded CID
deal_idsList of deal IDs
expirationSector expiration
unsealed_cidByte encoded CID
seal_proofSector seal proof


Pre-commits a sector with specified deals.

storagext-cli --sr25519-key <key> storage-provider pre-commit \

Where pre-commit-sector.json is a file with contents similar to:

  "sector_number": 0,
  "sealed_cid": "bafk2bzaceajreoxfdcpdvitpvxm7vkpvcimlob5ejebqgqidjkz4qoug4q6zu",
  "deal_ids": [0],
  "expiration": 100,
  "unsealed_cid": "bafkreibme22gw2h7y2h7tg2fhqotaqjucnbc24deqo72b6mkl2egezxhvy",
  "seal_proof": "StackedDRG2KiBV1P1"

More information about the pre_commit extrinsic is available in Pallets/Storage Provider/Pre-commit sector.


The prove-commit command proves a sector commitment. Currently, any proof that is a hex encoded string of length >= 1 is accepted. After the sector is proven, the deals will become Active.


PROVE_COMMIT_SECTORThe sector we are provingJSON object. Can be passed as a string, or as a file path prefixed with @ pointing to the file containing the JSON object.

The PROVE_COMMIT_SECTOR JSON object has the following structure:

sector_numberSector number
proofHex encoded proof


Proves a sector commitment.

storagext-cli --sr25519-key <key> storage-provider prove-commit \

Where prove-commit-sector.json is a file with contents similar to:

  "sector_number": 0,
  "proof": "beef"

More information about prove_commit extrinsic is available in Pallets/Storage Provider/Prove-commit sector.


The submit-windowed-post command submits a windowed PoSt proof. The post proof needs to be periodically submitted to prove that some sector is still stored. Sectors are proven in batches called partitions.


WINDOWED_POSTThe proof for some partitionJSON object. Can be passed as a string, or as a file path prefixed with @ pointing to the file containing the JSON object.

The WINDOWED_POST JSON object has the following structure:

deadlineDeadline ID
partitionPartition ID

The PROOF JSON object has the following structure:

post_proofProof type ("2KiB" or "StackedDRGWindow2KiBV1P1")
proof_bytesHex encoded proof


Proves a partition in a specific deadline.

storagext-cli --sr25519-key <key> storage-provider submit-windowed-post \

Where window-proof.json is a file with contents similar to:

  "deadline": 0,
  "partition": 0,
  "proof": {
    "post_proof": "2KiB",
    "proof_bytes": "07482439"

More information about the submit_windowed_post extrinsic is available in Pallets/Storage Provider/Submit Windowed Post.


The declare-faults command declares faulty sectors. This is required to avoid penalties for not submitting Window PoSt at the required time.


FAULTSList of declared faultsJSON array. Can be passed as a string, or as a file path prefixed with @ pointing to the file containing the JSON array.

The FAULTS JSON object has the following structure:

deadlineDeadline ID
partitionPartition ID
sectorsFaulty sectors IDs


Declares a list of faulty sectors in a specific deadline and partition.

storagext-cli --sr25519-key <key> storage-provider declare-faults \

Where faults.json is a file with contents similar to:

    "deadline": 0,
    "partition": 0,
    "sectors": [0]

More information about the declare_faults extrinsic is available in Pallets/Storage Provider/Declare Faults.


The declare-faults-recovered command declares recovered faulty sectors.


RECOVERIESList of declared recoveriesJSON array. Can be passed as a string, or as a file path prefixed with @ pointing to the file containing the JSON array.

The RECOVERIES JSON object has the following structure:

deadlineDeadline ID
partitionPartition ID
sectorsFaulty sectors IDs


Declares a list of sectors as recovered in a specific deadline and partition.

storagext-cli --sr25519-key <key> storage-provider declare-faults-recovered \

Where recoveries.json is a file with contents similar to:

    "deadline": 0,
    "partition": 0,
    "sectors": [0]

More information about the declare_faults_recovered extrinsic is available in Pallets/Storage Provider/Declare Faults Recovered.