Proofs Pallet

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The Proofs Pallet handles all the logic related to verifying PoRep and PoSt proofs on-chain. It's called by Storage Provider Pallet when verifying proofs during the extrinsics prove_commit_sectors and submit_windowed_post. The Pallet DOES NOT expose any extrinsic for proofs verification, it only implements a trait that can be coupled to other pallets.

To verify the proofs properly it needs to have the verifying keys parameters set for the sector size via set_porep_verifying_key and set_post_verifying_key.


This pallet can only be directly used via the trait primitives_proofs::ProofVerification. However, for the trait to work and not fail with Error::MisingPoRepVerifyingKey/Error::MissingPoStVerifingKey, the verifying keys need to be set via extrinsics set_porep_verifying_key/set_post_verifying_key.

Ideally, users shouldn't worry about it, as it will be set by the governance during a trusted setup procedure and then Storage Providers will download the proof generation parameters. However, in the MVP phase, those keys need to be set with the extrinsics after starting a testnet.

Verifying Keys are set for a Sector Size once and then shared across all proof verifications. Currently, the network only supports 2KiB sector sizes, so parameters need to be generated and set for it.



Verifying Key is a set of shared parameters used for zk-SNARK proof verification. It can be generated via polka-storage-provider-client proofs porep-params command. The verifying key used in the verification must match the proving parameters used in the proof generation.

The extrinsic sets the verifying key received in the SCALE-encoded format and then uses it for all the subsequent verification. Verifying Key is used to verify every PoRep proof across the network.

verifying_keyshared set of parameters used for zk-SNARK proof verificationSCALE encoded bytes of a Verifying Key


Setting a verifying key from the 1 //Alice account where proof is stored in the ./2KiB.porep.vk.scale file.

storagext-cli --sr25519-key "//Alice" proofs set-porep-verifying-key 2KiB.vk.scale

Note that in the MVP every account can set a Verifying Key. It's a risky operation that can halt the entire network, because if verifying key changes, Storage Providers needs to update their generating parameters as well.


Verifying Key is a set of shared parameters used for zk-SNARK proof verification. It can be generated via polka-storage-provider-client proofs post-params command. The verifying key used in the verification must match proving parameters used in the proof generation.

The extrinsic sets the verifying key received in the SCALE-encoded format and then uses it for all the subsequent verification. Verifying Key is used to verify every PoSt proof across the network.

verifying_keyshared set of parameters used for zk-SNARK proof verificationSCALE encoded bytes of a Verifying Key


Setting a verifying key from the 1 //Alice account where proof is stored in the ./ file.

storagext-cli --sr25519-key "//Alice" proofs set-post-verifying-key 2KiB.vk.scale

Note that in the MVP every account can set a Verifying Key. It's a risky operation that can halt the entire network, because if verifying key changes, Storage Providers needs to update their generating parameters as well.


The Proofs Pallet emits the following events:

  • PoRepVerifyingKeyChanged - PoRep verifying key has been changed.
    • who - SS58 address of the caller.
  • PoStVerifyingKeyChanged - PoSt verifying key has been changed.
    • who - SS58 address of the caller.


The Proofs Pallet actions can fail with the following errors:

  • InvalidVerifyingKey - supplied Verifying Key was not in the valid format and could not be deserialized.
  • InvalidPoRepProof - PoRep proof could not be verified, it was not created for the given replica window.
  • InvalidPoStProof - PoSt proof could not be verified, it was not created for the given sector.
  • MissingPoRepVerifyingKey - tried to verify PoRep proof, but the PoRep verifying key was not set previously with the set_porep_verifying_key extrinsic.
  • MissingPoStVerifyingKey - tried to verify PoSt proof, but the PoSt verifying key was not set previously with the set_post_verifying_key extrinsic.
  • Conversion - PoRep/PoSt Proof/VerifyingKey are in an invalid format and cannot be deserialized.