Faucet Pallet

Table of Contents


The Faucet Pallet enables users to drip funds into their wallet to start using the polka-storage chain.

The faucet pallet only exists on the testnet. Any of the funds dripped do not have any real-world value.


The Faucet Pallet is used to get funds on testnet into an externally generated account.

Only 1 drip per 24 hours per account is allowed. When trying to drip more often than once per 24 hours the transaction will be rejected.



The drip extrinsic is an unsigned extrinsic (or inherit) with no gas fees. This means that any account can get funds, even if their current balance is 0.

accountThe target account to transfer funds toSS58 address


storagext-cli faucet drip 5GpRRVXgPSoKVmUzyinpJPiCjfn98DsuuHgMV2f9s5NCzG19


The Faucet Pallet only emits a single event:

  • Dripped - Emits what account was dripped to and at what block number.
    • who - SS58 address of the dripped account.
    • when - Block at which the drip occurred.


The Faucet Pallet actions can fail with the following errors:

  • FaucetUsedRecently - the provided account had funds dripped within the last 24 hours.


The Faucet Pallet has the following constants:

FaucetDripAmountThe amount that is dispensed in planck's.10_000_000_000_000
FaucetDripDelayHow often an account can be topped up.1 Day