Glossary and Anti-Glossary

This document provides definitions and explanations for terms used throughout the project and a list of terms that should not be used.

Table of Contents


This section lists terms used throughout the project.


In Filecoin, an actor is an on-chain object with its state and set of methods. Actors define how the Filecoin network manages and updates its global state.


This term is used in:

  • Parachain Slot Auction. To bid in an auction, parachain teams agree to lock up (or bond) a portion of DOT tokens for the duration of the lease. While bonded for a lease, the DOT cannot be used for other activities like staking or transfers.

  • Collator slot auction (selection mechanism). It is used as a deposit to become a collator. Candidates can register by placing the minimum bond. Then, if an account wants to participate in the collator slot auction, they have to replace an existing candidate by placing a more significant deposit (bond).


Collaterals are assets locked up or deposited as a form of security to mitigate risks and ensure the performance of specific actions. Collateral acts as a guarantee that an individual will fulfil their obligations. Failing to meet obligations or behaving maliciously can result in the loss of staked assets or collateral as a penalty for non-compliance or misconduct by slashing.


Collators maintain parachains by collecting parachain transactions from users and producing state transition proofs for Relay Chain validators. In other words, collators maintain parachains by aggregating parachain transactions into parachain block candidates and producing state transition proofs (Proof-of-Validity, PoV) for validators. They must provide a financial commitment (collateral) to ensure they are incentivized to perform their duties correctly and to dissuade malicious behaviour.

Committed Capacity

The Committed Capacity (CC) is one of three types of deals in which there is effectively no deal, and the Storage Provider stores random data inside the sector instead of customer data.

If a storage provider doesn't find any available deal proposals appealing, they can alternatively make a capacity commitment, filling a sector with arbitrary data, rather than with client data. Maintaining this sector allows the storage provider to provably demonstrate that they are reserving space on behalf of the network.

Commitment of Data

This value is also known as commD or unsealed_cid. As the storage miner receives each piece of client data, they place it into a sector. Sectors are the fundamental units of storage in Filecoin, and can contain pieces from multiple deals and clients.

Once a sector is full, a CommD (Commitment of Data, aka UnsealedSectorCID) is produced, representing the root node of all the piece CIDs contained in the sector.

Commitment of Replication

The terms commR, sealed_cid, commitment of replication are interchangeable. During sealing, the sector data (identified by the CommD) is encoded through a sequence of graph and hashing processes to create a unique replica. The root hash of the merkle tree of the resulting replica is the CommRLast.

The CommRLast is then hashed together with the CommC (another merkle root output from Proof of Replication). This generates the CommR (Commitment of Replication, aka SealedSectorCID), which is recorded to the public blockchain. The CommRLast is saved privately by the miner for future use in Proof of Spacetime, but is not saved to the chain.


Projects can raise DOT tokens from the community through crowdloans. Participants pledge their DOT tokens to help the project win a parachain slot auction. If successful, the tokens are locked up for the duration of the parachain lease, and participants might receive rewards or tokens from the project in return.


A deadline is one of the multiple points during a proving period when proofs for some partitions are due.

For more information on deadlines, read the original Filecoin specification:


From the Polkadot Wiki:

Within each functional pallet on the blockchain, one can call its functions and execute them successfully, provided they have the permission to do so. Because these calls originate outside of the blockchain runtime, such transactions are referred to as extrinsics.


A fault happens when a proof is not submitted within the proving period. For a sector to stop being considered in proving periods, it needs to be declared as faulty — indicating the storage provider is aware of the faulty sector and will be working to restore it. If a sector is faulty for too long, it will be terminated and the deal will be slashed.

For more information on faults, read the original Filecoin specification:

Full Node

A device (computer) that fully downloads and stores the entire blockchain of the parachain, validating and relaying transactions and blocks within the network. It is one of the node types.


A status assigned to certain collators that makes them exempt from being removed from the active set of collators.


A device (computer) that participates in running the protocol software of a decentralized network; in other words, a participant of the blockchain network who runs it locally.


A parachain is a specialized blockchain that runs in parallel to other parachains within a larger network, benefiting from shared security and interoperability, and can be validated by the validators of the Relay Chain.


Partitions are logical groups1 of sectors to be proven together.

The number of sectors to be proven at once is 23492, as defined by Filecoin.

For more information on partitions, read the original Filecoin specification:


They do not reflect the physical storage state, only existing in the context of deadlines and proofs.


Filecoin defined the limit at 2349 to cope with computational limits, as described in the specification.


From the Polkadot Wiki:

The smallest unit for the account balance on Substrate based blockchains (Polkadot, Kusama, etc.) is Planck (a reference to Planck Length, the smallest possible distance in the physical Universe). DOT's Planck is like BTC's Satoshi or ETH's Wei. Polkadot's native token DOT equals to \(10^{10}\) Planck and Kusama's native token KSM equals to \(10^{12}\) Planck.


“Layer-0” blockchain platform designed to facilitate interoperability, scalability and security among different “Layer-1” blockchains, called parachains.


Cryptographic evidence used to verify that storage providers have received, are storing, and are continuously maintaining data as promised.

There are two main types of proofs:

  • Proof-of-Replication (PoRep): In order to register a sector with the network, the sector has to be sealed. Sealing is a computation-heavy process that produces a unique representation of the data in the form of a proof, called Proof-of-Replication or PoRep.

  • Proof-of-Spacetime (PoSt): Used to verify that the storage provider continues to store the data over time. Storage providers must periodically generate and submit proofs to show that they are still maintaining the stored data as promised.

Proving Period

A proving period is when storage providers' commitments are audited, and they must prove they are still storing the data from the deals they signed

  • the average period for proving all sectors maintained by a provider (default set to 24 hours).

For more information on proving periods, read the original Filecoin specification:

Relay Chain

The Relay Chain in Polkadot is the central chain (blockchain) responsible for the network's shared security, consensus, and cross-chain interoperability.


The sector is the default unit of storage that providers put in the network. A sector is a contiguous array of bytes on which a storage provider puts together, seals,and performs Proofs of Spacetime on. Storage providers store data on the network in fixed-size sectors.

For more information on sectors, read the original Filecoin specification:


A predefined period during which a set of collators remains constant.


The process of penalizing network participants, including validators, nominators, and collators, for various protocol violations. These violations could include producing invalid blocks, equivocation (double signing), inability of the Storage Provider to prove that the data is stored and maintained as promised, or other malicious activities. As a result of slashing, participants may face a reduction in their staked funds or other penalties depending on the severity of the violation.

Slot Auction

To secure a parachain slot, a project must win an auction by pledging (locking up) a significant amount of DOT tokens. These tokens are used as collateral to secure the slot for a specified period. Once the slot is secured, the project can launch and operate its parachain.


Staking is when DOT holders lock up their tokens to support the network's security and operations. In return, they can earn rewards. There are two main roles involved in staking:

  • Validators: Validators produce new blocks, validate transactions, and secure the network. They are selected based on their stake and performance. Validators must run a node and have the technical capability to maintain it.

  • Nominators: Nominators support the network by backing (nominating) validators they trust with their DOT tokens. Nominators share in the rewards earned by the validators they support. This allows DOT holders who don't want to run a validator node to still participate in the network's security and earn rewards.

Our parachain will use staking to back up the collators similarly to "Nominators". In this regard, "Nominators" will fall to Storage Providers, while " Validators" will be assigned to Collators accordingly.

Storage Provider

The user who offers storage space on their devices to store data for others.

Storage User

Aka Client: The user who initiates storage deals by providing data to be stored on the network by the Storage Provider.

System Parachain

System-level chains move functionality from the Relay Chain into parachains, minimizing the administrative use of the Relay Chain. For example, a governance parachain could move all the Polkadot governance processes from the Relay Chain into a parachain.


This section lists terms that should not be used within the project, along with preferred alternatives.

Term to Avoid: Miner

In Filecoin, a "Lotus Miner" is responsible for storage-related operations, such as sealing sectors (PoRep (Proof-of-Replication)), proving storage (PoSt (Proof-of-Spacetime)), and participating in the Filecoin network as a storage miner.

Reason: In the Filecoin network, the miner simultaneously plays the roles of storage provider and block producer. However, this term cannot be used in the Polkadot ecosystem because there are no block producers in parachains; the Relay Chain is responsible for block production. Parachains can only prepare block candidates via the Collator node and pass them to the Relay Chain.

Term to Avoid: Pledge

It's better to apply this term within its proper context rather than avoiding it altogether. It's easy to confuse it with staking, but they have distinct meanings.

Reason: Pledging generally refers to locking up tokens as collateral to participate in certain network activities or services like: Parachain Slot Auctions and Crowdloans.