Storagext CLI

Alongside the pallets, we've also developed a CLI to enable calling extrinsics without Polkadot.js.

The CLI's goal is to ease development and testing and to sidestep some limitations of the Polkadot.js visual interface.

This chapter covers how to use the storagext-cli, along with that, there are several usage examples available throughout the book.

Getting started

The storagext-cli takes two main flags — the node's RPC address and a key1, the latter is split into three kinds, and one is required for most operations (for example, if the operation being called is a signed extrinsic2):

  • Sr25519--sr25519-key or the SR25519_KEY environment variable
  • ECDSA--ecdsa-key or the ECDSA_KEY environment variable
  • Ed25519--ed25519-key or the ED25519_KEY environment variable

For example, to connect to a node at using Charlie's Sr25519 key:

storagext-cli --node-rpc "" --sr25519-key "//Charlie" <commands>

Or, retrieving the same key but using the environment variable form:

SR25519_KEY="//Charlie" storagext-cli --node-rpc "" <commands>


--node-rpcThe node's RPC address (including port), defaults to ws://
--sr25519-keySr25519 keypair, encoded as hex, BIP-39 or a dev phrase like //Charlie
--ecdsa-keyECDSA keypair, encoded as hex, BIP-39 or a dev phrase like //Charlie
--ed25519-keyEd25519 keypair, encoded as hex, BIP-39 or a dev phrase like //Charlie
--formatThe output format, either json or plain (case insensitive), defaults to plain
--n-retriesThe number of connection retries when trying to initially connect to the parachain, defaults to 10
--retry-intervalThe retry interval between connection retries, in milliseconds, defaults to 3000 (3 seconds)
--wait-for-finalizationWait for the inclusion of the extrinsic call in a finalized block, will wait by default


The --format global flag changes how extrinsic output is done, if the output is set to plain we do not make any guarantees about the output format, as such, you should not rely on it for scripts!

If the output is set to --json all standard output from the CLI will be formatted as JSON, however, as it currently stands, we do not guarantee a stable interface — though we will make an effort to keep changes to a minimum and document them.


Read more about how cryptographic keys are used in Polkadot —


If a key is passed to the CLI, but the operation called does not require a key, the key will not be used.

--n-retries and --retry-interval

These flags help you connect under a difficult network environment, or when you're launching the node and it's still booting up, this allows you to "actively wait" for the node to come online.


If you want to see the result of your extrinsic call, this flag is for you. By default, storagext-cli will wait for the result of the extrinsic, to disable this behaviour use --wait-for-finalization=false.

When enabled, storagext-cli will wait until the extrinsic makes it to a finalized block and will report it's result — whether the call was successful or not.
