Docker Setup

This guide will outline how to setup your environment using Docker to get started with the Polka Storage parachain.


Install Docker on your system by following the Docker install instructions.

Using Podman instead of Docker may work, however, we do not support Podman!

Dockerfile setup

All docker builds are composed of 4 stages.

  1. Set up cargo chef, this caches the Rust dependencies for faster builds.
  2. Planning — cargo chef analyzes the current project to determine the minimum subset of file required to build it an cache the dependencies.
  3. Build — cargo chef checks the project skeleton identified in the planner stage and builds it to cache dependencies.
  4. Runtime — sets up the runtime with Debian and imports the binary build in the previous stage.

Building & Running

Clone the repository and go into the directory:

git clone
cd polka-storage

You can find Dockerfiles for each binary under the docker/ folder. To build the images manually you can use the following command:

docker build \
        --build-arg VCS_REF="$(git rev-parse HEAD)" \
        --build-arg BUILD_DATE="$(date -u +'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')" \
        -t <DOCKERFILE-NAME>:"$(cargo metadata --format-version=1 --no-deps | jq -r '.packages[0].version')" \
        --file ./docker/dockerfiles/<DOCKERFILE-NAME>.Dockerfile \

Where you can replace <DOCKERFILE-NAME> by one of the following:

  • polka-storage-node
  • polka-storage-provider-server
  • polka-storage-provider-client
  • mater-cli
  • storagext-cli

To run the images manually, you apply the same pattern to the following command:

docker run -it<DOCKERFILE-NAME>:"$(cargo metadata --format-version=1 --no-deps | jq -r '.packages[0].version')"

Just recipes

To simplify the building process, we've written some Just recipes.

Build recipes

build-mater-dockerBuilds the mater CLI image which is used by storage clients to convert files to CARv2 format and extract CARv2 content.
build-polka-storage-node-dockerBuilds the Polka Storage parachain node image.
build-polka-storage-provider-server-dockerBuilds the Storage Provider server image.
build-polka-storage-provider-client-dockerBuilds the Storage Provider client image.
build-storagext-dockerBuilds the storagext CLI image used to execute extrinsics.
build-docker-allBuilds all the images above, this might take a while to complete.

Running recipes

run-mater-dockerRuns the image, opening a shell with access to the mater-cli binary.
run-polka-storage-node-dockerRuns the polka-storage-node inside the built Docker image.
run-polka-storage-provider-server-dockerRuns the image, opening a shell with access to the polka-storage-provider-server binary.
run-polka-storage-provider-client-dockerRuns the image, opening a shell with access to the polka-storage-provider-client binary.
run-storagext-dockerRuns the image, opening a shell with access to the storagext-cli binary.