The wallet command

The wallet command is a re-export of the Substrate CLI. The detailed documentation is available under:


The following commands are available with the wallet subcommand:

generate-node-keyGenerate a random node key, write it to a file or stdout and write the corresponding peer-id to stderr
generateGenerate a random account
inspectGets a public key and an SS58 address from the provided Secret URI
inspect-node-keyLoad a node key from a file or stdin and print the corresponding peer-id
signSign a message with a given (secret) key
vanityGenerate a seed that provides a vanity address
verifyVerify a signature for a message, provided on STDIN, with a given (public or secret) key
helpPrint this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)


Keys shown on this page are, by default, not secure! Do not use them in production!

Generate a new random key to interact with the Polka Storage parachain:

> polka-storage-provider wallet generate
Secret phrase:       offer payment boost boy manage car asset lock cousin mountain vehicle setup
  Network ID:        substrate
  Secret seed:       0xfe36ee692552b0ce54de06ce4f5cc152fe2fa808cb40f58c81168bc1237208bb
  Public key (hex):  0x3ae6bdc05a6657cea011084d32b9970891be5d02b2101bbad0ca95d287f0226e
  Account ID:        0x3ae6bdc05a6657cea011084d32b9970891be5d02b2101bbad0ca95d287f0226e
  Public key (SS58): 5DPwBLBRGunws9T2aF59cht37HeBg9aSTAc6Fh2aFBJPSsr6
  SS58 Address:      5DPwBLBRGunws9T2aF59cht37HeBg9aSTAc6Fh2aFBJPSsr6

The password may be added interactively, using --password-interactive flag:

> polka-storage-provider wallet generate --password-interactive
Key password: <top secret hidden password>
Secret phrase:       comfort distance rack number assist nasty young universe lamp advice neglect ladder
  Network ID:        substrate
  Secret seed:       0x4243f3f1d78beb5c0408bbaeae58845881b638060380437967482be2d4d42bce
  Public key (hex):  0x3acb66c0313d0e8ef896bc2317545582c1f0a928f402bcbe4cdf6f37489ddb16
  Account ID:        0x3acb66c0313d0e8ef896bc2317545582c1f0a928f402bcbe4cdf6f37489ddb16
  Public key (SS58): 5DPo4H1oPAQwReNVMi9XckSkvW4me1kJoageggJSMDF2EzjZ
  SS58 Address:      5DPo4H1oPAQwReNVMi9XckSkvW4me1kJoageggJSMDF2EzjZ

Or it can be passed directly, beforehand:

> polka-storage-provider wallet generate --password <top secret password>
Secret phrase:       cactus art crime burden hope also thought asset lake only cheese obtain
  Network ID:        substrate
  Secret seed:       0xb69c2d238fa7641f0d69911ca8f107f1b97a51cfc71e8a06e0ec9c7329d69ff7
  Public key (hex):  0xb60a716e488bcb2a54ef1b1cf8874569d2d927cc830ae0ae1cc2612fac27f55d
  Account ID:        0xb60a716e488bcb2a54ef1b1cf8874569d2d927cc830ae0ae1cc2612fac27f55d
  Public key (SS58): 5GBPg51VZG8PobmkLNSn9vDkNvoBXV5vCGhbetifgxwjPKAg
  SS58 Address:      5GBPg51VZG8PobmkLNSn9vDkNvoBXV5vCGhbetifgxwjPKAg